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The Boomerang Association of Australia was formed on 11 September 1969 in Melbourne. The Boomerang Association of Australia is the primary Australian boomerang club, with links to various state and local clubs. The club’s first publication was called Quarterly Newsletter. In 1973, this became the Boomerang Bulletin and there have been over 100 issues of that magazine since then, thus forming the authoritative history of boomerangs in Australia and world-wide.


In 1971, the BAA held their inaugural Australian National Boomerang Championships (“the Nationals”) in Albury, New South Wales; since then they have been held annually, all over Australia. In 2002, the BAA Handbook was created. The Handbook is the single most complete compilation of information about boomerangs and the Association ever available, and is regularly updated to record the history of the Association and all things boomerang-related.


If you love making boomerangs, if you relax “into the zone” when throwing them, if you want to see or make all sorts of amazing achievements with them, or if sport is what you really thrill to, you have the chance to participate in the heat of a Boomerang World Cup, which provides the opportunity to join a global throwing community… come join us now!





During the 1960's a number of boomerang competitions were conducted in the Melbourne area. These events were initially organised by a well known boomerang exponent, the late Bill Onus and his brother Eric, with assistance from Bob Burns of Yarraville. The Harold Blair Aboriginal Children's Project added their support and promoted the competition which were later affiliated with the Melbourne Moomba Festival.


A number of enthusiasts who attended these competition became aware that throughout Australia interested people and groups were involved in boomerangs. However, due to the lack of any type of standard authority, some of the efforts although similar, often ran at cross purpose. It became apparent that a National organisation was needed to co-ordinate efforts and combine interests.


Promotion of boomerang and associated arts was necessary to prevent this part of Australian heritage from slipping into obscurity. Also, the fact that boomerangs were developed by the Australian Aborigine, made it seem appropriate that if any benefit were to be gained by the development of this art, then it should go to aboriginal causes. With these thoughts in mind, enthusiasts approached the committee of the Harold Blair Aboriginal Children's Project, as this was the most appropriate body, with the concept of forming a National organisation. The committee were unanimously in favour, and also suggested that the proposed organisation function as an independent body.


The first significant step was made when a letter explaining the ideas for a National Association was drawn up and copies sent throughout Australia to everyone known to be involved with boomerangs. The resulting co-ordination of effort allowed many other enthusiast to realise the benefits that could come from the formation of a standard authority; and after numerous letters, phone calls and suggestions, a preliminary meeting was held in September 1969 and a committee set up to draft a constitution. The Constitution was accepted in February 1970 and the Boomerang Association of Australia established. 


Main Aims





Historic and Scientific aspects have seen most activity in the data collection fields. Association archives are quite extensive, and further studies are being conducted. The greatest progress has been with sporting development. The first Australian Championships held under the auspices of the Association was at Albury on Australia Day 1971. A number of Regional Championships are also held on a regular annual basis, and further local development is in progress.


Main Championship events use rules based on the original Burn-Onus system, which have been expanded and refined over the years. These General Championship rules form a simultaneous test of various skills and in addition specialised competition rules have been standardised, forming tests of particular individual skills in the three main classes of accuracy, catching and range. All members are issued with copies of rules in due course, and copies are available on request for interested groups.


"Boomerang Bulletin" is the name of the Association newsletter. Bulletins contain information on current activities and are available for use by members as a "forum" for points of discussion on appropriate issues, proposals resulting from discussions etc.


All members have the opportunity to meet at the ANNUAL MEETING held in conjunction with the Australian Championship competitions each year. Author Unknown



The purpose of the BAA in short is to promote interest in boomerangs and to bring those together who are actively interested in boomerangs.


To further develop the arts and crafts associated with boomerangs.


To promote the sport of boomerang throwing and maintain regular Australian championships, encourage competitions throughout Australia and to promote and support interstate boomerang competitions as well as International boomerang competitions.





Rob Croll, Melbourne, VIC


Leonie Metzakis, Perth, WA


Christene Metzakis, Perth, WA


Roger Perry, Perth, WA


Jess Honda, Sydney, NSW


New South Wales

Gunter Wandtke


Jarrod Byham


Juan Bustamante

South Australia


Western Australia

Grant Perry 

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